Willy Hofstetter is heading the Group of Bone Biology and Orthopaedic Research of the Department Clinical Research at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern. After receiving an M.S. in Biochemistry at the ETH Zurich and a Ph.D. from the Children’s Hospital of the University of Bern, WH moved abroad for further postdoctoral studies. After his return to the University of Bern, he joined the Institute of Pathophysiologiy of the Medical Faculty. The institute’s interests were focused on the cell biology and physiology of the skeleton. Since 1997, WH has been heading an independent Core Group of the Department Clinical Research, this function including teaching, coordination of a sub-area of the Department, and supervising the group. The research of the group is focused on the bone metabolism in inflammatory diseases of the skeleton. The projects encompass a wide array of technologies. Cell culture models to investigate the development and activation of bone cells are applied as well as animal models. In collaborations with various clinics from the Inselspital in Bern and with extramural institutions the group participates in clinical studies as well. Further information can be found at (http://www.bonebiology.dkf.unibe.ch/).

Courses in the BME Master's Program