PD Dr. med. Philipp Henle
Sonnenhof Orthopaedic Centre
- Phone
- +41 31 358 12 53
- philipphenle@sonnenhof.ch
- Postal Address
- Buchserstrasse 30
3006 Bern
Dr. Philipp Henle is an Orthopaedic Surgeon specialized in surgery of the knee at Sonnenhof Orthopaedic Centre, a teaching hospital of the University of Bern. He graduated from Heidelberg (D) University Medical School in 2003 and has been trained in Orthopaedic Surgery at University Hospitals in Heidelberg (D), Freiburg (D) and Bern. His academic work comprises continuous research for which he also spent more than one year at the bone biology lab at the Department Klinische Forschung of the University of Bern, as well as teaching of medical students during his entire career. Current research interests are biological and biomechanical issues of anterior cruciate ligament healing as well as improvement in outcome after knee arthroplasty.