BME Day 2021
Sponsors and exhibitors

The first virtual BME Day was a great success
On May 7, 2021, the first virtual Biomedical Engineering Day in 13 years took place. The Master in Biomedical Engineering program of the University of Bern organized this event for the 12th time.
The event is an efficient platform in Switzerland for networking of Master and PhD graduates and Swiss and international medical technology companies. This year’s companies introduced themselves through oral presentations in a zoom webinar and gave insight into their commercial activities and their company philosophies as well as showed their demands on junior employees. Students thus had the opportunity to get to know potential future employers and contact them directly during the virtual coffee break organized in gather city.
The BME Day offered great opportunities for the Bernese biomedical researchers, too. The ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research and the Bern University of Applied Sciences, a partner within the Master's program, used the possibility of presenting current research projects to more than 200 virtual participants. Interestingly, Master and PhD students play an important role in many of these projects. Thereby, this event was a demonstration of scientific achievements, too.
Besides company representatives, scientists, researchers, and young academics, medical doctors participated in this year’s event as well.
For the first time, young researchers presented their projects in a humorous way during a "my thesis in 180 seconds" session.
One highlight of the morning was definitey the successful live surgery by Gregor Kocher and Patrick Dorn, Department of Thorarcic Surgery, University Hospital Bern (Inselspital). Many students asked questions in the live chat during the lung surgery.
The following awards for excellent academic achievements in the field of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bern were presented:
- Swiss Engineering Award for the best master's thesis (innovation):
- Maxime Chiarelli - Estimation of the Energy Loss through Turbulence in an Aortic Stenosis Model Using Backlight Particle Tracking Velocimetry in a Silicone Ascending Aorta Phantom
- Swiss Engineering Award for the best master's thesis (basic science):
- Giuditta Thoma - Lung-Alveoli-on-Chip: Mechanical Characterization of a New Biological Membrane
- CCMT Award for the best PhD thesis:
- Serife Kucur - Exploration and Exploitation of Visual Fields: from Acquisition to Prediction of Glaucoma
- BME Club Award for the best master's thesis abstract:
- Simone Poncioni - Optomechanical Simulations of Laser Refractive Surgeries (1st place)
- Nathan Gyger - Contacless Detection of Gait and Gait Abnormalities (2nd place)
- Martin Bertsch - Targeted Drug Delivery in Glioblastoma Mouse Models (3rd place)
- RMS Award for the best GPA in the MSc Biomedical Engineering
- Adrian Ruckli (GPA 5.77)
BME Day 2021 final program and exhibitors' map
Please open the BME Day 21final program and exhibitors' map here: